关键词:马达驱动 IGBT栅驱动 TIDA-00446
时间:2015-12-25 11:17:06 作者:TI 来源:中电网
TI公司的TIDA-00446是采用ISO5851的小型强隔离三相逆变器IGBT栅驱动参考设计,包括有六个强隔离IGBT栅驱动器,用来控制三相逆变器如AC驱动,UPS和太阳能逆变器的IGBT,适用于低压驱动如400Vac和690Vac ,可驱动电流高达50A的IGBT模块,主要用在变速驱动,UPS,太阳能逆变器和焊接机.本文介绍了ISO5851主要特性,框图,典型马达驱动框图以及TIDA-00446三相逆变器参考设计主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The ISO5851 is a 5.7-kVRMS, reinforced isolated gate driver for IGBTs and MOSFETs with 2.5-A source and 5-A sink current. The input side operates from a single 3-V to 5.5-V supply. The output side allows for a supply range from minimum 15-V to maximum 30-V. Two complementary CMOS inputs control the output state of the gate driver. The short propagation time of 76 ns assures accurate control of the output stage.
An internal desaturation (DESAT) fault detection recognizes when the IGBT is in an overload condition. Upon a DESAT detect the gate driver output is driven low to VEE2 potential turning the IGBT immediately off.
When desaturation is active, a fault signal is sent across the isolation barrier pulling the FLT output at the input side low and blocking the isolator input. The FLT output condition is latched and can be reset through a low-active pulse at the RST input.