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Linear LTC4313 I2C总线热插拔应用方案

关键词:通信技术 热插拔

时间:2011-11-09 11:14:36       作者:Linear       来源:LTC4313

Linear公司的LTC4313是热插拔两线双向总线缓冲器,噪音容限高达0.3VCC,支持电压1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V 和5V,在插入时, SDA和SCL线能预充电到1V以最小化对总线的干扰.器件和I2C,I2C快速模式和SMBus兼容, ±4kV人体模式ESD保护,主要用在容性缓冲器/总线扩展器,板热插拔,包括ATCA的通信系统,电平转换,PMBus和服务器.本文介绍了LTC4313主要特性,方框图,以及多种应用电路.

The LTC4313 is a hot swappable 2-wire bus buffer that provides bidirectional buffering while maintaining a low offset voltage and high noise margin up to 0.3 • VCC. The high noise margin allows the LTC4313 to be interoperable with devices that drive a high VOL (>0.4V) and allows multiple LTC4313s to be cascaded. The LTC4313-1 and LTC4313-2 support level translation between 3.3V and 5V busses. In addition to these voltages, the LTC4313-3 also supports level translation to 1.5V, 1.8V and 2.5V.


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