时间:2011-08-02 10:01:48 作者:Microchip 来源:PIC32Mx
Microchip公司的PIC32Mx系列32位MCU采用MIPS32® M4K® 32位RISC内核,具有5级流水线,最大工作频率80MHz,它集成的MCU具有32K到512KB闪存,8KB-32KB SRAM,具有多个功率管理模式,引脚和大多数的PIC24/dsPIC® DSC兼容.器件集成了多种外设,其模拟特性包括多达16路的10位ADC和两个模拟比较器.PIC32 MCU可用在从控制逻辑到集成系统等多种用处.而采用PIC32M的音频开发板是24位音频录音和播放,USB数字音频,MP3译码和取样速率转换的灵活平台,可用在汽车信息娱乐和便携式音频设备.本文介绍了PIC32MX3XX/4XX主要特性,方框图以及音频开发板主要特性,主要元器件,电路图和元件布局图.
Microchip’s 32-bit portfolio with the MIPS® M4K® offers high performance microcontrollers, and all the tools needed to develop your embedded project. With free software, low cost development tools, and pin/peripheral compatibility from 16-bit product lines, PIC32 MCUs shorten time to market and allow your designs to grow. PIC32 gives your application the processing power, memory and peripherals your design needs! 32-bit PIC® microcontrollers are well suited for a wide variety of applications from control logic, to fully integrated systems involving USB, Ethernet and LCD.
High-Performance, General Purpose and USB, 32-bit Flash Microcontrollers High-Performance 32-bit RISC CPU:
• MIPS32® M4K® 32-bit core with 5-stage pipeline