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AKM AK4627高性能四路24位音频CODEC解决方案

关键词:消费类电子 CODEC 家庭影院 汽车音频设备

时间:2011-07-19 11:08:07       作者:AKM       来源:AK4627

AKM公司的AK4627是高性能多路24位音频CODEC,具有四路ADC和六路DAC. 四路ADC有64x过取样,取样速率高达96kHz,S/(N+D)为92dB,动态范围单端为102dB,差分为103dB; 六路DAC有128x过取样,取样速率高达192kHz,24位8倍数字滤波器,S/(N+D)为90dB,动态范围为106dB,主要用在家庭影院和汽车音频设备等各种音频设备.本文介绍了AK4627主要特性,方框图, 典型应用电路图和评估板AKD4627-A主要功能,电路图和PCB布局图.

The AK4627 is a single chip audio CODEC that includes four ADC channels and six DAC channels. The converters are designed with Enhanced Dual Bit architecture for the ADC’s, and Advanced Multi-Bit architecture for the DAC, enabling very low noise performance. The AK4627 ADC supports both single-ended and differential inputs and outputs. A wide range of applications can be realized, including home theater, pro audio and car audio. The AK4627 is available in a 48-pin LQFP package.


􀂆 4ch 24bit ADC

- 64x Oversampling

- Sampling Rate up to 96kHz

- Linear Phase Digital Anti-Alias Filter

- Single-ended / Differential Input

- S/(N+D): 92dB (Single-ended, Differential)

- Dynamic Range, S/N: 102dB (Single-ended), 103dB (Differential)

- Digital HPF for offset cancellation

- I/F format: MSB justified, I2S or TDM

􀂆 6ch 24bit DAC


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