Intersil 公司的ZL2008是集成了3A MOSFET驱动器的数字DC/DC转换器控制器,并具有电流共享功能,使得多个器件并联到负载,从而得到非常高的电流.输入电压从3V到14V,输出电压从0.54V到5.5V,精度为±1%,I2C/SMBus接口,PMBus兼容,输出电流和电压保护,主要应用在服务器/存储设备,通信/数据通信设备以及电源模块.本文介绍了ZL2008主要特性和优势,方框图以及典型应用电路,单相和三相电流共享框图.
Digital DC-DC Controller with Drivers and Pin-Strap Current Sharing
The ZL2008 is a digital DC-DC controller with integrated MOSFET drivers. Current sharing allows multiple devices to be connected in parallel to source loads with very high current demands. Adaptive performance optimization algorithms improve power conversion efficiency. Zilker Labs Digital-DC™ technology enables a blend of power conversion performance and power management features.
The ZL2008 is designed to be a flexible building block for DC power and can be easily adapted to designs ranging from a single-phase power supply operating from a 3.3 V input to a multi-phase supply operating from a 12 V input. The ZL2008 eliminates the need for
complicated power supply managers as well as numerous external discrete components.