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NS PMP扩展坞(Docking Station)设计方案

关键词:消费类电子 MP5 NS

时间:2009-07-16 15:52:00       来源:NS

NS公司的高效手提媒体播放器(PMP)扩展坞(Docking Station)设计方案采用LM3658SD-A双源USB/AC锂电池充电器, LM20124同步降压稳压器, DS90UR241/124 (SERDES), LM4674立体声D类放大器以及LM2735Y升压和SEPIC DC-DC稳压器, LM3478 低边N沟控制器以及AVP-1280数据转换器等.本文介绍了PMP扩展坞参考设计的主要特性以及完整的电路图,包括系统方框图,PMP电源管理和音频电路图, 双源AC/USB电池充电器和电源电路图, 3.3V主电源电路图, 扩展坞电源电路图, 视频接口(LCD)控制器电源电路图, 立体声D类放大器电路图, LCD显示系统方框图, DS90UR241串行化器电路图以及DS90UR124串并转换电路图和材料清单.

The High Efficiency Portable Media Player (PMP) Docking Station reference design showcases National Semiconductor’s PowerWise® power converters, battery charging circuitry, audio drivers and display interface. The reference design saves more power by initiating a power-saving mode when the PMP is unplugged from the wall power, automatically reducing the maximum brightness of the display as well as the output power of the audio drivers. See Figure 1 which shows the power management and audio segments of the reference design.


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