关键词:消费类电子 SiC MOSFET 逆变器 DC/DC转换器 Rohm SCT4045DR
时间:2022-04-07 14:11:33 来源:中电网
Rohm公司的SCT4045DR是第四代沟槽架构的N沟SiC功率MOSFET,源-漏电压VDSS为750V,导通电阻为45mΩ,具有小型化和低功耗的应用. 第四代SiC MOSFET产品具有业界一流的低导通电阻而不会牺牲短路耐受时间.器件采用有驱动器端的4引脚封装,,能最大化高速开关性能. SCT4045DR具有快速开关速度和快速反向恢复,容易并联应用和简化应用,具有无铅引线镀层和RoHS兼容.连续漏-源电流为34A,脉冲漏极电流达61A.主要用在太阳能逆变器,DC/DC转换器,开关电源,电感加热和马达驱动.本文介绍了SCT4045DR主要特性和主要指标, 内部电路,以及SCT4045DR半桥评估板特性和电路图,以及5kW高效无风扇逆变器电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
SCT4045DR is a SiC MOSFET that contributes to miniaturization and low power consumption of applications. This is a 4th generation product that achieves industry-leading low on-resistance without sacrificing short-circuit withstand time. This is a 4-pin package type with a driver source terminal that can maximize the high-speed switching performance that is a feature of SiC MOSFETs.
1) Low on-resistance
2) Fast switching speed
3) Fast reverse recovery
4) Easy to parallel
5) Simple to drive
6) Pb-free lead plating ; RoHS compliant
・Solar inverters
・DC/DC converters
・Switch mode power supplies
・Induction heating
・Motor drives