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[原创] ST STUSB1602带发送-接收和BMC的USB Type-C控制方案

关键词:USB Type-C TM 电源管理 STUSB1602

时间:2018-08-24 11:27:46       作者:ST       来源:中电网

ST公司的STUSB1602是带发送/接收(TX/RX)线路驱动和BMC收发器的USB Type-C™控制器,能处理Type-C连接检测,插入取向检测,主对设备连接,支持VCONN和VBUS配置,它所提供的USB PD TX/RX线路驱动器和BMC(双向标识编码)收发器,使得通过外接MCU就能实现USB PD协商和替代模式,可编限流高达600mA,具有过流,过压和热保护以及欠压锁住等功能,和USB Type-C™ rev 1.2,USB PD rev 2.0 (Certif.test ID 1010032) 以及USB PD rev 3.0兼容,主要用在智能插座,墙适配和充电器,电源集线器和坞站,智能手机和平板电脑,游戏机和PND,显示器,照相机,摄像机和MP3播放器等.本文介绍了STUSB1602主要特性,框图,应用电路图以及45 W USB Type-C™供电适配器参考设计STEVAL-USBPD45C主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The STUSB1602 is a generic IC designed in a 20 V technology. It addresses USB Type-C™ port management both on the host and/or device side, and is suited for a broad range of applications.

The STUSB1602 can handle all functions from Type-C attach detection, plug orientation detection, host to device connection, VCONN support, and VBUS configuration.

It also provides a USB PD TX/RX line driver and BMC (biphase mark coding) transceiver which allows USB PD negotiation and alternative mode through an external MCU. Additionally, the STUSB1602 provides support for dead battery operation.


Type-C™ attach and cable orientation detection  ..


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