时间:2018-04-24 09:52:11 作者:Maxim 来源:中电网
Maxim公司的MAX12900是超低功耗高度集成的4-20mA传感器发送器,具有10个电路模块:1个宽输入电源LDO,2个支持脉宽调制(PWM)输入的调理器电路,2个低功耗/低失调通用运算放大器,1个宽带/零失调漂移运算放大器,2个诊断比较器,1个带电源就绪输出的上电排序器,可使器件平稳上电,和1个低失调电压基准.主要用在回路供电4-20mA电流发送器,智能传感器,遥控仪器以及工业自动化和过程控制.本文介绍了MAX12900主要优势和特性,功能框图,应用框图以及评估板MAX12900 EVK主要特性,系统框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The MAX12900 is an ultra-low-power, highly integrated 4-20mA sensor transmitter. The MAX12900 integrates ten building blocks in a small package: a wide input supply voltage LDO, two conditioner circuits for pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inputs, two low-power, low-drift, general-purpose operational amplifiers (op amp) one wide bandwidth, zero-offset drift operational amplifier; two diagnostic comparators, a power-up sequencer with power good output to allow for a smooth power-up, and a low-drift voltage reference.
The MAX12900 converts PWM data from a microcontroller into current over a 4-20mA loop with two, three, or four-wire configurations.