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[原创] ST STUSB1600双类型USB Type-C控制方案

关键词:USB Type-C 消费类电子 可穿戴 物联网(IoT) STUSB1600

时间:2017-08-14 10:51:16       作者:ST       来源:中电网

ST公司的STUSB1600是带有VCONN开关的USB Type-C控制器,能处理USB Type-C连接检测,插入取向检测,主到设备连接,支持VCONN和VBUS配置.器件集成了VBUS电压检测,VBUS和VCONN放电通路,低功耗待机模式,支持电池失效模式,高压保护和支持附件模式,双电源工作,主要用在智能插座,墙适配器和充电器,电源集线器和坞站,智能手机和平板电脑,游戏和PND,显示器,可穿戴和物联网(IoT),照相机,摄像机和MP3播放器以及所有Type-C源或沉设备.本文介绍了STUSB1600主要特性,功能框图,多种应用案例以及评估板STEVAL-CCC001主要特性,功能分布图,电路图,PCB元件布局图和PCB设计图.

The STUSB1600 is a generic IC designed in a 20 V technology. It addresses USB Type-C™ port management both on the host and/or device side, and is suited for a broad range of applications. It is fully compliant with the USB Type-C cable and connector specifications (Rel. 1.2).

The STUSB1600 can handle all functions from Type-C attach detection, plug orientation detection, host to device connection, VCONN support, and VBUS configuration. Additionally, the STUSB1600 provides support for dead battery operation and is fully customizable (thanks to an integrated non-volatile memory).


• Type-C attach and cable orientation detection
• Power role support: source/sink/DRP
• Configurable start-up profiles
• Integrated power switch for VCONN supply:..


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