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[原创] NXP KW41Z超低功耗SoC开发方案

关键词:ARM Cortex-M0+MCU SoC 低功耗蓝牙(BLE)

时间:2017-03-06 13:24:57       作者:NXP       来源:中电网

NXP公司的KW41Z/31Z/21Z是超低功耗高度集成的单片器件,集成了无线收发器,工作频率2.36 GHz 到 2.48 GHz,支持SK/GFSK和O-QPSK调制;还集成了ARM Cortex-M0+ CPU,高达512KB闪存和高达128KB SRAM,BLE连接层硬件,802.15.4包处理器硬件和外设,主要用在手持保健设备,可穿戴运动和健身设备,AV遥控,计算机键盘和鼠标,游戏控制器,接入控制,安全系统,智能和家用区域网路.本文介绍了KW41Z/31Z/21Z主要特性,框图以及Freedom开发板FRDM-KW41Z主要

The KW41Z/31Z/21Z (called KW41Z throughout this document) is an ultra lowpower,
highly integrated single-chip device that enables Bluetooth low energy (BLE),
Generic FSK (at 250, 500 and 1000 kbps) or IEEE Standard 802.15.4 RF connectivity
for portable, extremely low-power embedded systems. Applications include portable
health care devices, wearable sports and fitness devices, AV remote controls,
computer keyboards and mice, gaming controllers, access control, security systems,
smart energy and home area networks.

The KW41Z SoC integrates a radio transceiver operating in the 2.36 GHz to 2.48 GHz
range supporting a range of FSK/GFSK and O-QPSK modulations, an ARM Cortex-
M0+ CPU, up to 512 KB Flash and up to 128 KB SRAM, BLE Link Layer hardware,
802.15.4 packet processor hardware and peripherals optimized to meet the
requirements of the target applications.


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