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[原创] Linear LTC2986多传感器高精度数字温度测量系统解决方案

关键词:仪器仪表 传感器 温度测量 LTC2986

时间:2016-09-21 10:34:46       作者:Linear       来源:中电网

Linear公司的LTC2986是带EEPROM的多传感器高精度数字温度测量系统,℃或 °F数字输出,精度为0.1℃,分辨率为0.001℃,单电源2.85V - 5.25V工作,具有热电偶冷端自动补偿,10个灵活的模拟输入端,主要用在热电偶直接测量,RTD直接测量,温度调节器测量和定制的传感器测量.本文介绍了LTCR2986-1主要特性,框图和应用电路,DC2531数字温度测量系统包括DC2211通用温度测量板电路图,DC2212热电偶板电路图,DC2213专用RTD板电路图和DC2214专用电热调节器板电路图,以及材料清单.

The LTCR2986 measures a wide variety of temperaturesensors and digitally outputs the result, in ℃ or °F, with0.1℃ accuracy and 0.001℃ resolution. The LTC2986 canmeasure the temperature of virtually all standard (Type B,E, J, K, N, S, R, T) or custom thermocouples, automaticallycompensate for cold junction temperatures and linearizethe results. The device can also measure temperaturewith standard 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTDs, thermistors, anddiodes. The LTC2986 includes excitation current sourcesand fault detection circuitry appropriate for each type oftemperature sensor.


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