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[原创] ADI ADSP-SC58x系列SHARC和ARM Cortex-A5处理器开发方案

关键词:ARM Cortex-A5 MCU SHARC处理器 ADSP-SC58x

时间:2016-05-20 10:37:21       作者:ADI        来源:中电网

ADI公司的ADSP-SC582/583/584/587/589/ADSP-21583/584/587处理器是具有ARM® Cortex-A5™处理器内核的SHARC+™双核处理器:SHARC+™处理器的工作频率高达450 MHz,ARM Cortex-A5内核的工作频率/性能为450 MHz/720 DMIPS,适合众多市场领域,从汽车和专业音频到需要高浮点性能的工业应用.本文介绍了ADSP-SC589系列特性,框图,ARM Cortex A-5处理器框图,SHARC处理器框图和SHARC+SIMD核框图以及ADSP-SC589 EZ-KIT Lite和EZ-Board评估板主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.

The ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x processors are members of theSHARC® family of products. The ADSP-SC58x processor isbased on the SHARC+ dual-core and the ARM Cortex-A5 core.

The ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x SHARC processors are membersof the SIMD SHARC family of DSPs that feature AnalogDevices Super Harvard Architecture. These 32-bit/40-bit/64-bitfloating-point processors are optimized for high performanceaudio/floating-point applications with their large on-chipSRAM, multiple internal buses to eliminate I/O bottlenecks, andinnovative digital audio interfaces (DAI). New nhancements tothe SHARC+ core add cache enhancements, branch prediction,and other instruction set improvements—all while maintaininginstruction set compatibility to previous SHARC products.


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