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[原创] ST LSM303AGR超小型高性能电子罗盘3D评估方案

关键词:MEMS 电子罗盘 eCompass 传感器 LSM303AGR

时间:2016-05-18 10:21:54       作者:ST       来源:中电网

ST公司的LSM303AGR是超小型高性能系统封装电子罗盘eCompass模块,集成了3D数字线性加速度传感器和3D数字磁传感器,以及支持标准, 快模式, 快模式+和高速(100 kHz, 400 kHz,1 MHz和3.4 MHz) I2C串行接口和SPI串行标准接口.主要用在倾斜补偿指南针,地图旋转,位置检测,运动激活和自由落体检测.本文介绍了LSM303AGR主要特性,框图和电连接图,以及LSM303AGR适配板STEVAL-MKI172V1主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

The LSM303AGR is an ultra-low-power highperformancesystem-in-package featuring a 3Ddigital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D digitalmagnetic sensor.

The LSM303AGR has linear acceleration fullscales of ±2g/±4g/±8g/16g and a magnetic fielddynamic range of ±50 gauss.

The LSM303AGR includes an I2C serial businterface that supports standard, fast mode, fastmode plus, and high-speed (100 kHz, 400 kHz,1 MHz, and 3.4 MHz) and an SPI serial standardinterface.

The system can be configured to generate aninterrupt signal for free-fall, motion detection andmagnetic field detection.

The magnetic and accelerometer blocks can beenabled or put into power-down mode separately.

The LSM303AGR is available in a plastic landgrid array package (LGA) and is guaranteed tooperate over an extended temperature rangefrom -40℃ to +85℃.



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