关键词:电源管理 μModule稳压器 DC/DC转换器
时间:2016-04-26 09:40:37 作者:Linear 来源:中电网
Linear公司的LTM8064是用于LED,超级电容,激光器和热电制冷片的60V 7A降压μModule稳压器,开关频率100kHz到1MHz,输入电压6V-58V,输出电压1.2V-36V,恒压恒流(CVCC)模式,并联可增加输出电流,主要用在大功率LED,电池/超级电容,激光器,马达驱动和热电制冷片以及短路保护.本文介绍了LTM8064主要特性,功能框图,多种应用电路,以及演示板DC2237A电路图,材料清单和演示板DC2237A设计文件.
The LTMR8064 is a 58VIN, 6A, constant-voltage, constantcurrent(CVCC), step-down μModuleR (power module)regulator. Included in the package are the switching controller,power switches, inductor and support components.
Operating over an input voltage range of 6V to 58V, theLTM8064 supports an output voltage range of 1.2V to36V. CVCC operation allows the LTM8064 to accuratelyregulate its output current up to 7A when sourcing and9.1A when sinking over the entire output range. The outputcurrent can be set by a control voltage, a single resistor ora thermistor. To set the switching frequency, simply placea resistor from the RT pin to ground. A resistor from FBto ground will set the output voltage. Only the bulk inputand output filter capacitors are needed to finish the design.