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[原创] Linear LTM4650 50A降压μModuleR稳压电源方案

关键词:电源管理 DC/DC转换器 LTM4650

时间:2016-03-09 10:00:17       作者:Linear       来源:中电网

Linear公司的LTM4650是双路25A或单路50A开关模式降压DC/DC μModuleR(功率模块)稳压器.16mm × 16mm × 5.01mm BGA封装内集成了开关控制器,功率FET,电感和支持元件.输入电压4.5V-15V,输出电压0.6V-1.8V.主要用在处理器,ASIC和FPGA核电源,通信和网络设备,存储和ATCA卡以及工业设备.本文介绍了LTM4650主要特性,框图和几种典型应用电路,以及演示板DC2378A-A主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

The LTMR4650 is a dual 25A or single 50A output switchingmode step-down DC/DC μModuleR (power module)regulator. Included in the package are the switchingcontrollers, power FETs, inductors, and all supportingcomponents. Operating from an input voltage range of4.5V to 15V, the LTM4650 supports two outputs eachwith an output voltage range of 0.6V to 1.8V, each set by asingle external resistor. Its high efficiency design deliversup to 25A continuous current for each output. Only a fewinput and output capacitors are needed. The LTM4650 ispin compatible with the LTM4620 (dual 13A, single 26A)and the LTM4630 (dual 18A, single 36A).


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