关键词:电源管理 通信技术 差分放大器 工业控制 数据采集 LT6375±270V
时间:2016-02-03 11:11:31 作者:Linear 来源:中电网
Linear公司的LT6375是 ±270V是共模电压差分放大器,具有极好的DC精度,非常高的(±270V)输入共模电压和很宽电源电压范围,包括有精密运算放大器和高度匹配的薄膜电阻网络,具有非常高的CMRR(97dB),极低的增益误差0.0035% (35ppm)和极低增益漂移(1ppm/℃),主要用在高边或低边电流检测,双向宽共模电流检测,高压/低压电平转换,精密差分放大器,工业数据采集前端和绝缘电路替代件.本文介绍了LT6375主要特性,框图,多种应用电路,以及演示板DC2443评估电路,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图。
The LT6375 is a unity-gain difference amplifier whichcombines excellent DC precision, a very high input commonmode range and a wide supply voltage range. It includes aprecision op amp and a highly-matched thin film resistornetwork. It features excellent CMRR, extremely low gainerror and extremely low gain drift.
Comparing the LT6375 to existing difference amplifierswith high common mode voltage range, the selectableresistor divider ratios of the LT6375 offer superior systemperformance by allowing the user to achieve maximumSNR, precision and speed for a specific input commonmode voltage range.
The op amp at the core of the LT6375 has Over-The-Top®protected inputs which allow for robust operation in environmentswith unpredictable voltage conditions.
The LT6375 is specified over the –40℃ to 125℃ temperaturerange and is available in space-saving MSOP16and DFN14 packages.