关键词:ARM Cortex-M0 MCU 无线通信 NFC PN712013.56MHz
时间:2016-01-06 10:29:26 作者:NXP 来源:中电网
NXP公司的PN7120是即插即用的13.56MHz NFC解决方案,支持NFCIP-1, NFCIP-2 协议,支持NCI 1.0主通信,操作环境Android或Linux,工作电压2.3 V到5.5 V,主要用在TV,STB,蓝光译码器和音频设备,家庭自动化,网关和无线路由器,家用电器,可穿戴设备,遥控,健身设备,打印机,IP电话,游戏控制台和附件.本文介绍了PN7120主要特性,框图,发送模式框图,应用电路图以及开发套件OM5577/PN7120S主要特性和PN7120 NFC控制板电路图,PCB元件布局图;BeagleBone接口板电路图,PCB元件布局图与Raspberry Pi接口板电路图,PCB元件布局图.
PN7120, the best plug’n play full NFC solution - easy integration into any OS environment, with integrated firmware and NCI interface designed for contactless communication at 13.56 MHz.
It is the ideal solution for rapidly integrating NFC technology in any application, especially those running O/S environment like Linux and Android, reducing Bill of Material (BOM) size and cost, thanks to: