关键词:无线传感器网络 WSN 温度传感器 LTP5901-IPM
时间:2015-04-09 11:24:17 作者:Linear 来源:中电网
Linear公司的LTP5901-IPM/LTP5902-IPM是具片式天线的SmartMesh PCB微尘模块,是IEEE 802.15.4e PCB模块解决方案Eterna系列产品的IP微尘产品,具有高度集成低功耗以及ARM Cortex-M3 32位处理器的特性,在大多数RF环境中网络可靠消息大于99.999%,RF模块符合USA, 加拿大,欧盟,日本,台湾,韩国,印度,澳大利亚和新西兰等国标准,路由器电流小于50uA,主要用在Dust网络如楼宇自动化,数据中心能耗管理,可再生能源,远程监视,交通系统和物流操作等.本文介绍了SmartMesh IP™网络特性,LTP5901-IPM/LTP5902-IPM主要特性和Eterna系列框图与应用框图,以及带太阳能电池寿命扩展器的高精度无线温度传感器DC2126A主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计文件.
SmartMesh IP Node 2.4GHz802.15.4e Wireless Mote ModuleSmartMesh IP™ wireless sensor networks are self managing,low power Internet Protocol (IP) networks builtfrom wireless nodes called motes. The LTP5901-IPM/LTP5902-IPM is the IP mote product in the Eterna®* familyof IEEE 802.15.4e printed circuit board assembly solutions,featuring a highly-integrated, low power radio design byDust Networks® as well as an ARM Cortex-M3 32-bitmicroprocessor running Dust’s embedded SmartMesh IPnetworking software. Both the LTP5901-IPM (with chipantenna), at 24mm × 42mm, and the LTP5902-IPM (withMMCX connector), at 24mm × 37mm, are designed forsurface mount assembly.