TI公司的bq5102x是无线电源接收器,符合WPC V1.1协议,当采用Qi电感发送器时,无线电源系统能提供高达5W的功率.单片bq5102x提供电源转换(整流和稳压)以及WPC标准的数字控制和通信.输出电压在4.5-8 V间可调,5W时的系统效率79%,主要用在智能手机,平板电脑,Wi-Fi热点,移动电源和其它手持设备.本文介绍了bq5102x主要特性,功能框图, 双模式无线电源系统框图, 嵌入系统板的bq5102x电路图以及评估模块bq51020EVM-520主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The bq5102x device is a fully contained wireless power receiver capable of operating with the WPC v1.1 protocol which allows a wireless power system to deliver up to 5 W to the system when used with a Qi inductive transmitter. The bq5102x device provides a single device power conversion (rectification and regulation) as well as the digital control and communication for WPC specification. With market-leading efficiency and adjustable output voltage, the bq5102x device allows for unparalleled efficiency and system optimization. I2C also allows system designers to implement interesting new features such as aligning a receiver on the transmitter surface, or detecting foreign objects on the receiver. The receiver allows for synchronous rectification, regulation and control and communication to all exist in a market leading form factor, efficiency, and solution size.