On Semi公司的NCP5386B是单/双相降压控制器,满足Intel的VR 10.0和11.0以及AMD指标,双沿PWM和电感电流传感降低了系统成本,对瞬态负载有最快的响应,1.0V-1.6V的系统精度为0.5%,开关频率在100 kHz - 1.0 MHz, 主要用在台式计算机的处理器和芯片组,服务器处理器和芯片组和DDR电源.本文介绍了NCP5386B主要特性,框图,单相/双相应用电路,以及评估板25VT6A5VGEVB主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The NCP5386 is a one− or two−phase buck controller which combines differential voltage and current sensing, and adaptive voltage positioning to power both AMD and Intel processors and chipsets. Dual−edge pulse−width modulation (PWM) combined with inductor current sensing reduces system cost by providing the fastest initial response to transient load events. Dual−edge multi−phase modulation reduces total bulk and ceramic output capacitance required to satisfy transient load−line regulation.
A high performance operational error amplifier is provided, which allows easy compensation of the system. The proprietary method of Dynamic Reference Injection makes the error amplifier compensation virtually independent of the system response to VID changes, eliminating tradeoffs between overshoot and dynamic VID performance.