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ST STEVAL-IME003V1医疗超声波图像解决方案

关键词:医疗电子 超声波图像

时间:2015-10-28 14:05:21       作者:ST       来源:STEVAL

ST公司的STEVAL-IME003V1是基于四路STHV748高压脉冲发生器的超声波图像演示板,输出波形通过连接示波器探针到BNC就能直接在示波器上显示.16种预置波形能用来在变化的条块下测试高压(HV)脉冲发生器.而STHV748是±90 V 2 A高速脉冲发生器,工作频率高达20MHz,主要用于医疗超声图像,脉冲发生器,NDT超声发送和压电传感器驱动器.本文介绍了STHV748主要特性,典型应用电路以及STEVAL-IME003V1主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The STEVAL-IME003V1 demonstration board is designed around the STHV748 4-channel high voltage pulser, a state-of-the-art device designed for ultrasound imaging applications.

The output waveforms can be displayed directly on an oscilloscope by connecting the scope probe to the relative BNCs. 16 preset waveforms are available to test the HV pulser under varying conditions.


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