时间:2012-08-31 09:51:27 作者:Keil 来源:MCBTWRK60
Keil 公司的MCBTWRK60 Tower系统能用来评估Freescale Kinetis K60系列器件MK60N512VMD100,为现在和未来产品开发确定硬件和软件.K60 MCU器件包括了IEEE 1588以太网,带充电器功能检测的全速和高速USB 2.0 OTG,硬件加密和篡改检测功能,闪存从256kB到1MB,并集成丰富的模拟,通信,时序和控制外设.本文介绍了Kinetis系列产品MCU主要特性和方框图,MCBTWRK60评估板技术指标和主要特性,评估板方框图以及K60N512 CPU板电路图,Primary Elevator板电路图,Secondary Elevator板电路图和串行接口板电路图.
Kinetis is the most scalable portfolio of low power, mixed-signal ARM®Cortex™-M4 MCUs in the industry. Phase 1 of the portfolio consists of five MCU families with over 200 pin-,peripheral- and software-compatible devices. Each family offers excellent performance, memory and feature scalability with common peripherals, memory maps, and packages providing easy migration both within and between families.