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ADI 视频编码器EI3接口扩展板解决方案

关键词:通信技术 视频通信 挖线通信

时间:2012-06-06 09:27:43       作者:ADI       来源:视频编码器EI3

ADI公司的视频编码器EI3扩展板是插在EZ-KIT Lite/EZ评估系统如ADSP-BF609 EZ-KIT Lite®评估系统的扩展接口3(EI3)上的子板,在处理器的并行外设接口(PI)和ADV7511(HDMI发送器)与ADV7341多格式视频编码器之间提供连接,支持EI3标准,而处理器的两线接口(TWI)用来和扩展板的视频编码器和SoftConfig进行通信.译码器采用ADV7842.本文介绍了视频编码器和译码器主要特性,ADV7511和ADV7341主要特性,视频编码器EI3扩展板主要特性,方框图,电路图和材料清单.

The Video Encoder EI3 Extender Board is a separately sold daughter board that plugs onto the expansion interface 3 (EI3) of an EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board evaluation system. The extender board aids the design and prototyping phases of embedded processor-targeted applications.

The board extends the capabilities of the evaluation system by providing a connection between the parallel peripheral interface (PPI) of the processor and the ADV7511 and ADV7341 video encoders. The SPORT is used for transmitting audio data. The two-wire interface (TWI) port of the processor is used to communicate to the video encoders and SoftConfig on the Extender.

The following is a list of the Video Encoder EI3 Extender Board interfaces.

• Video interface

• ADV7511 — 225 MHz, high performance HDMI transmitter with ARC


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