TI公司的LM10504是三路降压加LDO线性电源的电源管理单源,三路降压稳压器可编程配置,效率高达95%,反馈电压精度±3%,2MHz开关频率,通过SPI接口可编程输出电压,具有过压保护和欠压锁住,带开机重起的自动软起动,主要用在固态驱动器.本文介绍了LM10504主要指标和特性,方框图, 典型应用框图以及评估板与固态驱动器解决方案框图.
The LM10504 is an advanced PMU containing three configurable, high-efficiency buck regulators for supplying variable voltages. The device is ideal for supporting ASIC and SOC designs for Solid-State and Flash drives.
The LM10504 operates cooperatively with ASIC to optimize the supply voltage for low-power conditions and Power Saving modes via the SPI interface. It also supports a 250 mA LDO and a programmable Interrupt Comparator.
Programmable Buck Regulators:
Buck 1: 1.1V to 3.6V; 1.6A
Buck 2: 1.1V to 3.6V; 1A
Buck 3: 0.7V to 1.335V; 1A
±3% feedback voltage accuracy
Up to 95% efficient buck regulators
2MHz switching frequency for smaller inductor size
2.8 × 2.8 mm, 0.4 mm pitch 34-bump micro SMD package
Three highly efficient programmable buck regulators
Integrated FETs with low RDSON
Bucks operate with their phases shifted to reduce the