时间:2011-10-10 10:56:11 作者:Atmel 来源:ATA5577C
Atmel公司的 ATA5577C是100kHz-150kHz的无接触读/写 IDIC,单个线圈连接带芯片,用作IC的电源和双向通信接口,天线和芯片一起组成异频雷达收发机或标签。器件具有353位EEPROM存储器(7x32位EEPROM为用户存储器包括32位密码存储器,2x32位用作ID,1x32位为选择用寄存器),和ISO/IEC 11784/785兼容,主要用在下一代接入控制如宾馆客房,工程部门,办公室,停车场,时间记录系统,会员卡等。本文介绍了ATA5577C主要特性,方框图以及RFID系统框图,基于AVR的125kHz RFID评估套件主要特性以及系统框图。
Read/Write LF RFID IDIC 100 to 150kHz
The Atmel® ATA5577C is a contactless read/write IDentification IC (IDIC®) for applications in the 125kHz or 134kHz frequency band. A single coil connected to the chip serves as the IC’s power supply and bi-directional communication interface. The antenna and chip together form a transponder or tag.
The on-chip 363-bit EEPROM (11 blocks with 33 bits each) can be read and written block-wise from a base station (reader).
Data is transmitted from the IDIC (uplink) using load modulation. This is achieved by damping the RF field with a resistive load between the two terminals, coil 1 and coil 2. The IC receives and decodes serial base station commands (downlink), which are encoded as 100% amplitude modulated (OOK) pulse-interval-encoded bit streams.