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Linear LT3745 16路50mA LED驱动方案

关键词:电源管理 DC/DC转换器 LED驱动器

时间:2011-09-27 10:28:28       作者:Linear       来源:LT3745

Linear公司的LT3745是带55V降压控制器的16路50mA LED驱动器,每路可点亮75mA/36V 串联LED,而降压控制器产生合适的总线电压给并联LED串供电.每路有6位点阵电流修正,12位灰度PWM调光.LED电流匹配在+/-3%内.主要用在大屏幕显示器LED背光,单色/多色/全色LED显示器以及LED信号板.本文介绍了LT3745 主要特性,方框图以及典型应用电路.

LT3745:16-Channel 50mA LED Driver with Buck Controller

The LT.3745 integrates a 16-channel LED driver with a 55V buck controller. The LED driver lights up to 75mA/36V of LEDs in series per channel, and the buck controller generates an adaptive bus voltage supplying the parallel LED strings. Each channel has individual 6-bit dot correction current adjustment and 12-bit grayscale PWM dimming.

Both dot correction and grayscale are accessible via a serial data interface in TTL/CMOS logic. A +/-3% LED current matching and a 0.5μs minimum LED on-time can be achieved at 50mA per channel.

The LT3745 performs full diagnostic and protection against open/short LED and overtemperature fault. The fault status is sent back through the serial data interface.

The 30MHz fully-buffered, skew-balanced, cascadable serial data interface makes the chip extremely suitable for large screen LCD dynamic backlighting and mono-,multi-, full-color LED displays.

LT3745 主要特性:..


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