关键词:通信技术 网络通信 10/100BaseT
时间:2011-08-23 11:01:38 作者:Connectone 来源:CO2144
Connectone 公司的Co2144是全特性可编程的IP通信控制器,能用作协处理器从任何主控制器中卸载安全和IP连接任务,CO2128/CO2144固件支持多达10个同时作用的TCP/UDP 套接字(socket)和两个监听套接字,HTTP, SMTP, MIME, POP3, FTP 和TELNET客户,有两个网址的网络服务器,具有完整的互联网协议堆栈和RSA, AES-128/256, 3DES, RC-4, SHA-1, MD-5 与SSL3/TLS1加密,10/100BaseT 以太网MAC, USB 2.0全速主从器件,提供拨号,蜂窝,LAN和WiFi连接.本文介绍了CO2144主要特性,方框图,CO2144 主机和互联网环境以及10/100BaseT参考设计主要特性,电路图,方框图和材料清单。
iChip™ CO2064, CO2128 and CO2144 are full-featured programmable IP Communication Controller™ chips that act as coprocessors to offload security and IP connectivity tasks from any host processor. They are ideal for enabling devices to achieve secure, high-speed throughput and access to IP networks via 10/100BaseT LAN or 802.11b/g wireless LAN, and cellular or dial-up modems. Typically only one man-month is needed for hardware engineering and adding IP connectivity commands to the host application.
While the CO2128/CO2144 include a complete set of features, the CO2064 uses an open software architecture that enables users to select and program different firmware flavors, each providing a unique subset of Internet protocols and features.