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Allegromicro SI-7321M单极2相微步进马达驱动方案

关键词:工业控制 马达驱动 微步进马达驱动

时间:2011-07-13 14:00:48       作者:Allegromicro       来源:SI-7321M

Allegromicro公司的SI-7321M是单极2相微步进马达驱动器,采用恒流模式工作,有满步进,半步进和1/4,1/8和1/16微步进几种选择.电源电压VBB最大46V,正常工作范围10V-44V,逻辑电源VDD为3.3V到5.5V,最大输出电流1.5A,具有四个NMOS输出MOSFET,典型R DS(on) = 0.25 Ω,自激励的PWM电流控制.本文介绍了SI-7321M特性和优势,方框图和典型应用电路.

The SI-7321M constant-current mode motor driver IC features efficient unipolar driver design for full- and half-step operation, and 1/4 , 1/8 , and 1/16 microstepping. The clock-in type input interface allows simplified control logic, with the flexibility of sequencer timing using either rising Clock edge only or both rising and falling edges. Additional flexibility is provided by user-configurable blanking time, and load circuit short or open protection (patent pending). Along with inputs for built-in sense current detection, these features minimize power losses.

The device has a multi-chip internal structure for lower thermal resistance. The control IC (MIC) and the four power elements (MOSFET) are all separate ICs. The package (HSOP) provides wide output terminals at each corner, further enhancing device thermal dissipation.


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