关键词:电源管理 氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管 D-类功率放大器
时间:2011-06-03 11:09:43 作者:EPC 来源:EPC2010
宜普公司(Efficient Power Conversion)的EPC2010是增强型硅基板氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管,源漏电压200V,漏极电流5A,具有超高的效率,超低的RDS(on)(小于25毫欧姆),超低的QG以及超小的占位面积,其性能优于硅功率MOSFET多倍,主要用在服务器,网路电脑,笔记本电脑,手机,基站,平板显示器以及D-类功率放大器.本文介绍了EPC2010优势和技术指标,以及采用EPC2010的200V半桥栅极驱动器EPC9003开发板方框图,电路图和材料清单和测试框图.
Gallium Nitride is grown on Silicon Wafers and processed using standard CMOS equipment leveraging the infrastructure that has been developed over the last 55 years. GaN’s exceptionally high electron mobility and low temperature coefficient allows very low RDS(ON), while its lateral device structure and majority carrier diode provide exceptionally low QG and zero QRR. The end result is a device that can handle tasks where very high switching frequency, and low on-time are beneficial as well as those where on-state losses dominate.
• Ultra High Efficiency
• Ultra Low RDS(on)
• Ultra low QG
• Ultra small footprint
• High Speed DC-DC conversion
• Class D Audio
• Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits