关键词:通信技术 有线通信 传真机 语音邮件系统 卫星机顶盒
时间:2010-12-30 11:26:24 作者:Maxim 来源:73M1922
Maxim公司的73M1822/73M1922是 低成本MicroDAA数据接入装置(DAA),把调制解调器连接到公用电话交换网(PSTN),其中包括桥接电流环路电路、线路忙检测电路、摘机继电器、环路电流侦测电路和分机等.满足FCC,ETSI ES 203 021-2,JATE, NET4和其它PTT标准,线路电路多达8mA, 满刻度发送/接收为0dBm,THD为–80 dB,16位CODEC高达16kHz取样频率,基准时钟范围9-40 MHz,主要用在V.92调制解调器, 传真机/多功能外设(MFP),语音邮件系统,卫星机顶盒,POS终端以及工业和医疗信息处理系统.本文介绍了73M1822/73M1922主要特性, 简化的73M1x22 系统方框图, 73M1922和73M1822推荐应用电路图以及相应的材料清单, 3M1922 MicroDAA 20引脚TSSOP演示板电路图及其材料清单,PCB元件布局图.
The 73M1822 MicroDAA is the world’s first single-package silicon Data Access Arrangement (DAA) for data/fax modem and voice applications. It provides a serial Modem Analog Front End (MAFE) interface to popular DSP/host processors to implement a globally compliant low-cost soft modem solution.
The 73M1822 MicroDAA is available as a two-chip configuration (the 73M1922) that consists of a 73M1902 Host-Side Device and a 73M1912 Line-Side Device. The MicroDAA integrates all codec and DAA functions necessary to achieve reliable PSTN connection worldwide.