TI 公司的DAC7678是低功耗电压输出8路12位数模转换器(DAC),包括有2.5V内部基准电压,精度±5mV,满刻度输出电压范围5V,通用两线I2C兼容的串行接口,时钟速率高达3.4MHz,典型温度漂移5ppm/℃,工作电压+2.7V 到+5.5V,主要用在手提仪表和闭环伺服控制.本文介绍了DAC7678主要特性,方框图, 单个和多个器件的典型连接框图, 评估板DAC7678EVM主要特性,以及评估板电路图和材料清单(BOM).
The DAC7678 is a low-power, voltage-output, octal channel, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The DAC7678 includes a 2.5V internal reference (disabled by default), giving a full-scale output voltage range of 5V. The internal reference has an initial accuracy of ±5mV and can source up to 20mA at the VREFIN/VREFOUT pin. The device is monotonic, provides very good linearity, and minimizes undesired code-to-code transient voltages (glitch).
The DAC7678 uses a versatile, 2-wire serial interface that is I2C-compatible and operates at clock rates of up to 3.4MHz. Multiple devices can share the same bus.
The DAC7678 incorporates a power-on-reset circuit that ensures the DAC output powers up to either zero-scale or mid-scale until a valid code is written to the device.
Relative Accuracy:
Glitch Energy: 0.15nV-s
Internal Reference:
2.5V Reference Voltage (disabled by default) ..