时间:2010-10-19 10:16:43 作者:Diodes 来源:ZXLD1374
Diodes公司的ZXLD1374是高精度60V 1.5A LED驱动器转换器,它集成了1.5A低边开关,输出电流精度0.5%,工作电压6.3V-60V,LED驱动器支持降压,升压和降-升压模式,DC调光为20:1,500Hz时调光为1000:1,开关频率高达1MHz,主要用于大电流LED驱动.本`文介绍了ZXLD1374主要特性,以及多种应用电路和相应的材料清单(BOM).
The ZXLD1374 is an LED driver converter IC with integrated 1.5A low side switch to drive high current LEDs. It is a multitopology converter enabling it to efficiently control the current through series connected LEDs. The multi-topology enables it to operate in Buck, Boost and Buck-boost configurations.
The 60V capability coupled with its multi-topology capability enables it to be used in a wide range of applications and drive in excess of 16 LEDs in series.
The ZXLD1374 is a modified hysteretic converter using a patent pending control scheme providing high output current accuracy in all three topologies. High accuracy dimming is achieved through DC control and high frequency PWM control.
The ZXLD1374 uses two pins for fault diagnosis. A flag output highlights a fault, while the multi-level status pin gives further information on the exact fault.
• 0.5% typical output current accuracy