TI 公司的UCC28070是先进的功率因素修正器件,集成了两个工作在180度反相的PWM。 这种PWM交叉工作能降低输入和输出纹波电流,使得导电EMI滤波变得更加容易,成本更低。可编程工作频率从30 kHz 到300 kHz,有极好的效率和多种保护功能,主要用在高效服务器和台式PC电源,通信整流器,白色家电和工业设备。本文介绍了UCC28070 主要特性,简化方框图和功能方框图,以及采用两个UCC28070的四相输出应用框图,300W交叉PFC预稳压器参考设计主要指标,控制器电路图和电源电路图。
UCC28070 300W Interleaved PFC Pre-regulator Design Review (Rev. B)
The UCC28070 is an advanced power factor correction device that integrates two pulse-width modulators (PWMs) operating 180° out of phase. This interleaved PWM operation generates substantial reduction in the input and output ripple currents, and the conducted-EMI filtering becomes easier and less expensive. A significantly improved multiplier design provides a shared current reference to two independent current amplifiers that ensures matched average current mode control in both PWM outputs while maintaining a stable, low-distortion sinusoidal input line current.
The UCC28070 contains multiple innovations including current synthesis and quantized voltage feed-forward to promote performance enhancements in PF, efficiency, THD, and transient response.
UCC28070 主要特性:
Interleaved Average Current-Mode PWM Control