Cirrus 公司的CS1500 是适用于通用输入的高性能功率修正因素(PFC)控制器,采用有所有权的数字算法的不连续导通模式(DCM),具有可变的接通时间和可变频率控制,从而保证PFC为一. CS1500的保护特性包括过压,过流,超功率,开路和短路以及超温保护,主要用在电源和照明镇流器设计.本文介绍了CS1500主要特性,方框图,基本应用电路和材料清单,以及90W高效PFC LLC谐振转换器参考设计电路图和材料清单(BOM).
Digital Power Factor Correction IC
The CS1500 is a high-performance power factor correction (PFC) controller for universal AC input, which uses a proprietary digital algorithm for discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with variable on-time and variable frequency control, ensuring unity power factor.
The CS1500 incorporates all the safety features necessary for robust and compact PFC stages. In addition, it has burst mode control to lower the light-load/standby losses to a minimum.
Protection features such as overvoltage, overcurrent, overpower, open- and short-circuit protection, overtemperature, and brownout help protect the device during abnormal transient conditions.
The digital controller optimizes the system stability and transient performance, simplifies the PFC design, reduces the external component count and BOM costs. The simple design and minimum cost makes CS1500 the ideal choice for PFC up to 300 watts.