Intersil 公司的ISL55112是双路高速CCD阵列驱动器,包括两个大电流的水平列驱动器和两个低电流辅助驱动器,信号摆幅高达8V,可采用单极和双极电源,3V逻辑接口,时钟频率高达30MHz,主要用在数码相机,HD数码摄像机,工业视频系统,医疗图像,HD安全系统以及家庭安全系统.本文介绍ISL55112主要特性, 功能方框图以及标准测试配置图, 评估板ISL55112EVAL1Z电路图和材料清单(BOM).
ISL55112: High-Speed Dual Precision CCD Driver
The ISL55112 is a high-speed CCD array driver comprising 2 Horizontal drivers with high current output drive and 2 ancillary signal drivers with lower current output drive.
The devices can be used in pairs to drive and control two halves of a high pixel count CCD array as used in high end Digital Cameras or Camcorders. The device has a largely symmetric pinout about a center axis to facilitate the placement of the devices on either side of a large CCD array with minimal signal routing disruption.
The ISL55112 can accommodate split asymmetric voltage supplies up to 8V total for each of the 4 drivers and has significant flexibility in the selection of these supply voltages within this range. All 4 drivers have their own High and Low level supply lines to minimize
interference between drivers caused by shared current paths.