Linear公司的 LT3757是宽输入电压电流模式DC/DC转换控制器,能产生正或负向电压.LT3757的输入电压从表面上看2.9V到40V,用外接电阻可编程工作频率从100kHz到1Mz,能和外接时钟同步,输出电压保护,关断电流小于1uA ,内部有7.2V低压降稳压器,可编程输入欠压锁定和软起动,主要用于汽车电子和工业,通信电源和手提设备电源.本文介绍了LT3757主要特性,方框图以及典型应用电路,包括高效升压转换器, 3.3V输入,5V/10A输出升压转换器, 8-16V输入24V/2A输出升压转换器, 高压反激电源电路,以及5.5V-36V输入,12V/2A输出SEPIC转换器和非绝缘的反相SLIC电源.
The LT3757 is a wide input range, current mode, DC/DC controller which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can be configured as either a boost, flyback, SEPIC or inverting converter. The LT3757 drives a low side external N-channel power MOSFET from an internal regulated 7.2V supply. The fi xed frequency,current-mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of supply and output voltages.
The operating frequency of LT3757 can be set with an external resistor over a 100kHz to 1MHz range, and can be synchronized to an external clock using the SYNC pin.
A low minimum operating supply voltage of 2.9V, and a low shutdown quiescent current of less than 1μA, make the LT3757 ideally suited for battery-operated systems.