关键词:消费类电子 HB LED驱动器 EZ-Color PSoC
时间:2009-10-19 10:47:00 来源:Cypress
Cypress公司的CY8CLED16是EZ-Color系列,包括了HB LED控制器,PSoC,速度高达24MHz的M8C处理器,先进的外设以及灵活的存储器如32KB闪存和2KB SRAM的数据存储器. EZ-Color系列支持多达16个LED通路,每路的分辨率高达32位,广泛用于HB LED控制应用如LCD背光,通用照明,建筑物照明,照相机/手机闪光灯等.本文介绍了CY8CLED16 EZ-Color系列的主要特性,方框图,模拟系统和数字系统方框图, 遥控电路图和材料清单以及LED 板电路图和材料清单.
Implementing a Wireless Controlled Lighting Design Using LEDs and EZ-ColorTM Controllers
Cypress EZ-Color family of devices offers the ideal control solution for High Brightness LED applications requiring intelligent dimming control. EZ-Color devices combine the power and flexibility of PSoC (Programmable System-on-Chip™); with Cypress PrISM (precise illumination signal modulation) modulation technology providing lighting designers a fully customizable and integrated lighting solution platform.