关键词:电源管理 AC/DC转换器 TinySwitch-PK MOSFET
时间:2009-09-08 11:20:00 来源:Powerint, , ,
Powerint公司的TNY375-380 TinySwitch-PK系列集成了700V MOSFET,振荡器,高压开关电流源,限流(用户选择)以及热关断电路.265VAC时没有偏压线圈空载功耗小于170mW,而有偏压线圈空载功耗小于60mW,主要用于高峰值/连续功率比的应用如DVD,PVR,音频放大器,调制解调器以及照片打印机等.本文介绍了TNY375-380 TinySwitch-PK系列的主要特性,方框图,几种应用电路以及27W LCD 监视器电源参考设计DER229 27W LCD 监视器电源参考设计,包括电路图和材料清单.
Low Profile, Low Standby Consumption 27 W Power Supply Using TNY380PN
TNY375-380 TinySwitch-PK Family
TinySwitch-PK incorporates a 700 V MOSFET, oscillator, highvoltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable), and thermal shutdown circuitry. A unique peak mode feature boosts current limit and frequency for peak load conditions. The boosted current limit provides the peak output power while the increased peak mode frequency ensures the transformer can be sized for continuous load conditions rather than peak power demands.
Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility
Simple ON/OFF control, no loop compensation needed
Unique Peak Mode feature extends power range without increasing transformer size
Maximum frequency and current limit boosted at peak loads
Selectable current limit through BP/M capacitor value