Linear 公司的LTC2978是八路PMBus兼容的电源监视器,管理器,顺序器和余量控制器,能监视8个输出通路和一个输入通路.它的PMBus功能包括告警和OV/UV阈值对故障响应.LTC2978具有可配置的EEPROM,可编程的看门狗定时器,有8个UV/OV电压管理器,8路顺序器,支持多路故障管理和片上数字温度传感器,可用在计算机和网络服务器.本文介绍了LTC2978主要特性,方框图以及典型应用电路,包括PMBus接口的八路电源控制框图, 用于供电和通信的LTC软件狗连接图, DC/DC转换器应用电路和给3.3V芯片供电的应用电路图.
The LTC2978 is an octal, PMBus compliant power supply monitor, supervisor, sequencer and margin controller. PMBus functions include warning and fault OV/UV threshold pairs for eight output channels and one input channel. Programmable fault response allows the power supplies to be disabled with optional retry after a fault has been detected. PMBus reads allow eight output voltages and one input voltage to be monitored. In addition, odd numbered channels can substitute sense resistor voltage measurements for output voltage measurements. PMBus commands support power supply sequencing and precisionpoint-of-load voltage servo to one of three programmed values: margin high, margin low and nominal. A programmable watchdog timer monitors microprocessor activity for a stalled condition and resets the micro if necessary.