Cypress 公司的CYV15G0404DXB是四路独立通道HOTLink II收发器,可以实现点到点或点到多点通信,在高速连接如光纤,平衡和不平衡铜传输线上传输数据,串行连接信号速率从195M波特到1500M波特.总的吞吐量高达12Gbps,采用第二代的HOTLink技术,和多种标准如ESCON, DVB-ASI, SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 259M, 以及光通路和GbE (IEEE802.3z)兼容.本文介绍了CYV15G0404DXB的主要特性,方框图以及发送与接收通路方框图, CYV15G0404DXB评估板电路图和所用材料清单(BOM).
The CYV15G0404DXB Quad Independent-Channel HOTLink II Transceiver is a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communications building block that allows the transfer of data over high-speed serial links (optical fiber, balanced, and unbalanced copper transmission lines) at signaling speeds ranging from 195–1500 MBaud per serial link. The independence of each channel provides the ability to simultaneously transport different types of data at different signaling rates across multiple channels.
This user’s guide describes the operation and interface of the CYV15G0404DXB evaluation board. The evaluation board allows users to become familiar with the functionality of the CYV15G0404DXB.
CYV15G0404DXB-EVAL (the evaluation board)
Dear Customer letter
A CD containing
—CYV15G0404DXB data sheet
—CYV15G0404DXB Evaluation Board User’s Guide..
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