TI公司的TPS54160是集成了200-mΩ的高边MOSFET的60V1.5A降压电源稳压器,采用电流模式进行控制,从而提供了简单的外部补偿和灵活的元件选择. TPS54160的输入电压从3.5V到60V,静态工作电流116uA,关断电流1.3uA,开关频率从300kHz 到2.5MHz,能外部时钟同步,主要用在12V,24V和48V工业和商业低功率系统,以及视频,GPS和娱乐系统等.本文介绍了TPS54160的主要特性,方框图, 带可调UVLO的高频3.3V输出电源电路图, 宽输入电压设计电路图和PCB布局案例,以及TPS54160EVM-230评估模块(EVM)电路图和材料清单(BOM).
The TPS54160 device is a 60V, 1.5A, step down regulator with an integrated high side MOSFET. Current mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low ripple pulse skip mode reduces the no load, regulated output supply current to 116A. Using the enable pin, shutdown supply current is reduced to 1.3A.
Under voltage lockout is internally set at 2.5V, but can be increased using the enable pin. The output voltage startup ramp is controlled by the slow start pin that can also be configured for sequencing/tracking. An open drain power good signal indicates the output is within 93% to 107% of its nominal voltage.
A wide switching frequency range allows efficiency and external component size to be optimized. Frequency fold back and thermal shutdown protects the part during an overload condition...

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