Fairchild 公司的FAN5069是高效PWM控制器和LDO线性稳压器控制器,同步整流为大范围的负载提供了高效率.输入电压从3V 到24V,输出电压范围从0.8V到15V.可编程的开关频率从200KHz到600KHz. FAN5069主要应用在PC/服务器主板外设,FPGA,DSP,嵌入式控制器等电源,工业电源以及大功率DC/DC转换器.本文介绍了FAN5069的主要特性,方框图, 典型应用电路图以及应用板电路图和应用板材料清单.
The FAN5069 combines a high-efficiency Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) controller and an LDO (Low DropOut) linear regulator controller. Synchronous rectification provides
high efficiency over a wide range of load currents.
Efficiency is further enhanced by using the low-side MOSFET’s RDS (ON) to sense current. Both the linear and PWM regulator soft-start are controlled by a single external capacitor, to limit in-rush current from the supply when the regulators are first enabled. Current limit for PWM is also programmable.
The PWM regulator employs a summing-current-mode control with external compensation to achieve fast load transient response and provide design optimization.
FAN5069 is offered in both industrial temperature grade (-40°C to +85°C) as well as commercial temperature grade (-10°C to +85°C).
■General Purpose PWM Regulator and LDO Controller
■Input Voltage Range: 3V to 24V..

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