ST公司的STEVAL-CBL001V1是采用ST7LNBx MCU的LNB电源和控制. ST72F521和ST72521B MC有32K到60K双电压高密度闪存(HDFlash)或ROM,1K到2K RAM,具有14个中断矢量,多达64个I/O端口,通信接口包括SPI,SCI,I2C(SMbus V1.1兼容)和CAN接口.本文介绍了ST72F521和ST72521B MC主要特性,方框图以及STEVAL-CBL001V1演示板主要特性,详细电路图和所用材料清单(BOM).
STEVAL-CBL001V1 Power supply and control for LNB based on ST7LNBx microcontroller
The ST72F521 and ST72521B devices are members of the ST7 microcontroller family designed for mid-range applications with a CAN bus interface (Controller Area Network).
All devices are based on a common industry standard 8-bit core, featuring an enhanced instruction set and are available with FLASH or ROM program memory.
Under software control, all devices can be placed in WAIT, SLOW, ACTIVE-HALT or HALT mode, reducing power consumption when the application is in idle or stand-by state.
The enhanced instruction set and addressing modes of the ST7 offer both power and flexibility to software developers, enabling the design of highly efficient and compact application code. In addition to standard 8-bit data management, all ST7 microcontrollers feature true bit manipulation, 8x8 unsigned multiplication and indirect addressing modes...

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