ST公司的TS2012是无滤波器的2x2.8W立体声D类全差分音频功率放大器,5V工作时,每路能向8欧姆负载提供1.35W功率, 能提供和AB类音频放大器相比拟的效率.有四种增益可供选择: 6, 12, 18或24 dB. TS2012很适合用在手机,PDA和平板电视机.本文介绍了TS2012的主要特性,方框图以及典型应用电路.此外还介绍了基于TS2012的演示板
TS2012 Filter-free stereo 2x2.8W class D audio power amplifer
The TS2012 is a stereo fully differential class D power amplifier. Able to drive up to 1.35W into an 8 ohmload at 5V per channel. It achieves outstanding efficiency compared to typical class
AB audio amps.
The device has four different gain settings utilizing two discrete pins: G0 and G1.
Pop & click reduction circuitry provides low on/off switch noise while allowing the device to start within 1ms.
Two standby pins (active low) allow each channel to be switched off independently.
The TS2012 is available in a QFN20 package in 4x4 mm dimension.
■Operating range from VCC=2.5V to 5.5V
■Standby mode active low
■Output power per channel : 1.35W @5V or 0.68W @ 3.6V into 8 ohmwith 1% THD+N max.
■Output power per channel : 2.2W @5V into 4ohm with 1% THD+N max.
■Four gains select : 6, 12, 18, 24 dB..
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