Ember 公司的EM260是ZigBee/802.15.4 网络处理器,它集成了2.4GHz, IEEE 802.15.4兼容的收发器和16位网络处理器(XAP2b内核),用以运行ZigBee兼容的网络堆栈EmberZNet.收发器的RX灵敏度为-99dBm,正常输出功率为+2.5dBm.EM260目标应用为建筑物自动化和控制,家庭自动化和控制,家庭娱乐控制以及资产跟踪.本文介绍了EM260的主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路和所用的材料清单.此外还介绍了Ember EM260 SPI/UART 128kB开发板的主要特性和详细电路图,包括电源分布和各种电路, 主微控制器, 信号流程图, SPI/UART和USB/DEI 逻辑以及USB, DEI, 和TTL 外接口电路图.
EM260: ZigBee/802.15.4 Network Processor
The EM260 integrates a 2.4GHz, IEEE 802.15.4-compliant transceiver with a 16-bit network processor (XAP2b core) to run EmberZNet, the Ember ZigBee-compliant network stack. The EM260 exposes access to the EmberZNet API across a standard SPI module or a UART module, allowing application development on a Host platform. This means that the EM260 can be viewed as a ZigBee peripheral connected over a serial interface. The XAP2b microprocessor is a power-optimized core integrated in the EM260. It contains integrated Flash and RAM memory along with an optimized peripheral set to enhance the operation of the network stack.

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