IR 公司的IRAUDPS1是12V系统250W-1000W D类音频功率放大器电源设计方案,采用IR公司的自振荡栅极驱动器IR2085和Direct FETS IRF6648.适用于汽车电子应用,为D类音频放大器提供+B和-B电源. IRAUDPS1是可升级的设计.本文介绍了IRAUDPS1设计的方框图, IR2085 模块电路图, IRAUPS1主板电路图以及IRS2085模块材料清单, IRAUPS1 500W主板材料清单和机械零件材料清单与变压器电特性参数.
12V System 250W-1000W Scalable Audio Power Supply For Class D Audio Power Amplifiers Using the IR2085 self oscillating gate driver And Direct FETS IRF6648
图1. IRAUDPS1参考设计外形图
The IRAUDPS1 reference design is a 12 volts systems Audio Power Supply for automotive applications designed to provide voltage rails (+B and –B) for Class D audio power amplifiers
This reference design demonstrates how to use the IR2085 as PWM and gate driver for a Push-Pull DC to DC converter, along with IR’s Direct FETS IRF6648.
The resulting design uses a compact design with the Direct FETS and provides all the required protections.
IRAUDPS1 is a scalable power output design, and unless otherwise noted, this user’s manual is based on the 500W model
图2.IRAUDPS1 方框图
图3. IR2085 模块电路图
IRAUPS1 500W主板材料清单(BOM):

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