Powerint 公司的54W(200W峰值)音频放大器电源参考设计RDR-203是采用PeakSwitch 系列的PKS607YN,可以替代用于音频放大器的线性电源. PKS607YN集成了700V功率MOSFET,振荡器,用与起动的高压开关电流源,限流和热关断功能.此外还具有自动重器,线路欠压检测和频率抖动. 新颖的参考设计RDR-203能消除标准浸漆变压器所产品生的可听见噪音.本文介绍了PeakSwitch系列器件的主要特性格,功能方框图与采用PeakSwitch系列PKS606Y的 32 W(连续),81W(峰值)通用输入电源电路图.此外还主要介绍了54W(200W峰值)音频放大器电源参考设计RDR-203主要的设计亮点,详细电路图和所用元件清单(BOM).
PeakSwitch is designed to address applications with high peak-to-continuous power ratio demands. The very high switching frequency during peak power loads and excellent load transient response reduce system cost as well as component count and size. PeakSwitch incorporates a 700 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high voltage switched current source for startup, current limit, and thermal shutdown onto a monolithic device. In addition, these devices incorporate auto-restart, line under-voltage sense and frequency jittering. An innovative design minimizes audio frequency components in the simple ON/OFF control scheme to practically eliminate audible noise with standard varnished transformer construction.
PKS607YN 亮点:
EcoSmart– Extremely Energy-Efficient
Standby output power ≥0.6 W for 1 W input (high line)

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