TI公司的TPS23754/6 是组合了以太网供电(PoE)30W大功率PoE用电装置接口和电流模式DC/DC控制器,非常适合用于隔离的转换器.PoE接口支持IEEE 802.3at (draft)标准,支持高效率的拓扑,具有完整的PoE接口和增强分类特性, 集成了100 V, 0.5欧姆热插拔 MOSFET,可用在IEEE 802.3at (draft)标准兼容设备,视频和VoIP电话,RFID阅读器以及多频带接入点.本文介绍了TPS23754/6的主要特性,方框图, 采用TPS23754的高效转换器电路图,同步的反激电路图,以及TPS23754EVM-383评估板电路图和材料清单(BOM).
The TPS23754/6 is a combined Power over Ethernet (PoE) powered device (PD) interface and current-mode dc/dc controller optimized specifically for isolated converters. The PoE interface supports the IEEE 802.3at (draft) standard.
The TPS23754/6 supports a number of input voltage ORing options including highest voltage, external adapter preference, and PoE preference. These features allow the designer to determine which power source will carry the load under all conditions.
The PoE interface features the new extended hardware classification necessary for compatibility with high-power midspan power sourcing equipment (PSE) per IEEE 802.3at (draft). The detection signature pin can also be used to force power from the PoE source off. Classification can be programmed to any of the defined types with a single resistor.

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