TI公司的UCD9240是多输出多相同步降压数字PWM控制器,设计用于非绝缘的DC/DC电源. UCD9240集成了用于DC/DC回路管理的专用电路,闪存和串行接口,支持配置,监视和管理等功能. UCD9240的工作频率高达2MHz,占空比分辨率250ps,闭环分辨率1mV,广泛用于工业/自动测试(ATE),网络设备,通信设备,服务器,存储系统以及FPGA,DSP和存储器电源.本文介绍UCD9240的主要特性,方框图以及典型的应用电路.
TI UCD9240 Digital PWM System Controller
The UCD9240 is a multi-rail, multi-phase synchronous buck digital PWM controller designed for non-isolated DC/DC power applications. This device integrates dedicated circuitry for DC/DC loop management with flash memory and a serial interface to support configurability, monitoring and management.
The UCD9240 was designed to provide a wide variety of desirable features for non-isolated DC/DC converter applications while minimizing the total system component count by reducing external circuits. The solution integrates multi-loop management with sequencing, margining, tracking and intelligent phase management to optimize for total system efficiency. Additionally, loop compensation and calibration are supported without the need to add external components.
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